XDefiant Review

XDefiant Review

So, I recently jumped into XDefiant, Ubisoft’s latest try at a competitive multiplayer arena shooter.

You know how we all adore a fun game night, right?

Well, I had high hopes for this one, but it’s more of an unfinished project than the polished gem I was hoping for.

Let’s see what’s hot and what’s not with XDefiant.

First, let’s start off with the core modes.

You’d think they’d be all set, but no! Modes like practice mode and ranked queue are still under construction.

Imagine being all ready for a gaming night, only to find construction tape blocking your way.

Total buzzkill, right? So, what are we left with?

A pretty dull battle pass and a standard weapon leveling system.

It’s like they’re serving us a side salad without the main course.

You can play and do well in matches, but there’s not much to reward your hard work.

Now, let’s chat about the gameplay itself.

Sure, it’s got some interesting hero shooter-like abilities and small tweaks on the fast-paced, low-time-to-kill formula we know and love from Call of Duty.

Xdefiant Gameplay Screenshot

But honestly? The questionable net code and missing essential features make it hard to stick around.

Even with cool abilities and cleverly designed maps, the whole experience just doesn’t have that sparkle that keeps you coming back for more.

Ubisoft’s crossover shooter blends characters from their various franchises like Watch Dogs, The Division, Far Cry, Splinter Cell, and Ghost Recon.

But instead of giving us iconic characters like Sam Fisher or Dani Rojas, we get these lesser-known folks.

You step into the arena as characters from Ded Sec (Watch Dogs), The Cleaners (The Division), Libertad (Far Cry), Echelon (Splinter Cell), or The Phantoms (Ghost Recon).

Each faction has three characters, but aside from some cosmetic differences, they don’t really stand out.

It feels like you’re meeting a bunch of new people at a party and realizing you have no idea who they are or why you should care about them.

The combat in XDefiant is fast and furious, with a super short time-to-kill and almost nonexistent respawn timers.

You’re constantly being pushed back into the action, which can be thrilling.

The game boasts 14 maps, each cleverly laid out with a mix of open areas and tight corridors.

These maps are designed to encourage different playstyles, so whether you’re a sniper or a close-combat brawler, there’s something for you.

But even with all that, the game doesn’t really push for strategic play. It’s more about rushing objectives and hoping for the best.

And here’s where things get frustrating – the netcode and hit detection are seriously off.

You line up the perfect shot, pull the trigger, and think you’ve hit your target.

But then they turn around and take you out, and the game tells you they’re at full health.

What?! I’ve even been shot through walls and killed while hiding behind cover.

Not cool, Ubisoft. Not cool.

After spending a week with XDefiant, I’m ready to say goodbye.

While the core gameplay is kinda fun, it’s just too bare-bones compared to other shooters, even the free ones.

There’s no rank to strive for, the daily missions are a chore, and the battle pass is lackluster.

Why would anyone stick with this game when there are so many better options out there?

The game’s faction system sounds promising but falls flat in execution.

Each faction is based on an organization or group from another Ubisoft property and has its own set of specialties and abilities.

For example, The Phantoms can set up Mag Barriers to absorb sniper fire, while The Cleaners have flamethrowers to clear out enemies in tight spaces.

You can switch between factions anytime during a game, which lets you adjust your strategy based on the task at hand.

But even with all these tactical options, XDefiant’s basic setup doesn’t do enough to encourage strategic play over simply rushing the objective and trying to beat the enemy team to the draw until the score limit is reached.

Speaking of strategy, let’s say you’re playing Domination, and the other team has a sniper in a perfect sightline to pick you and your teammates off one by one, keeping you from capturing the point.

Setting up one of the Phantoms’ Mag Barriers might help absorb some sniper fire long enough for your team to grab a reliable foothold and return fire.

But as tactical as these abilities can be, the game’s overall design doesn’t do enough to encourage this kind of thoughtful play.

The quickdraw-style combat doesn’t always feel right, either.

XDefiant’s netcode and hit detection issues mean that shots you think should hit often don’t, and you end up getting taken out by players who seem invincible.

Even with a wired connection and the best ping in my lobby, I’ve been shot through walls and killed while hiding behind cover that should block my entire body.

It’s frustrating and makes the game feel unfair.

It’s barely been a week since I first installed XDefiant, but I don’t think I’d miss it from my hard drive.

While the gameplay at its core is fun enough, the game is barren compared to most other shooters—including the free ones.

Even bare-basic modes like team deathmatch and free-for-all or features like a ping system or skill-based matchmaking are nowhere to be found.

Its maps are well-made, sure, but with no rank to strive for, daily missions that ask me to commit to playing ten whole matches, and very little to look forward to in the battle pass, I don’t understand why this video game would gain any traction over others beyond the fact that it’s free.


XDefiant is like that cute dress you bought on sale – it looks great at first, but then you realize it’s missing buttons and has a weird fit.

You might have some fun moments, but ultimately, it’s not worth keeping in your closet.

XDefiant Review
Final Score